Sunday, May 5, 2024

The universality of Ukraine

The West is focused on Russia's war in Ukraine. Here's why the rest of the world should care as well.

Israel’s standoff on Gaza displacement and hostage dynamics

The decision to bar Palestinians from returning to their homes raises significant concerns under international humanitarian law.

Dalit Lives Matter

Technology has helped to facilitate these movements locally and disseminated information about them throughout the world in a way earlier generations of activists could have only dreamed about.

Danger ahead: Trump, Pompeo, the Kochs and the end of diplomacy

Trump says he will rely on his advisors. He has to as he knows nothing about policy, the world, the working class he always goes on about, or government in general.

Trump’s nuclear dreams

Nightmares past and present.

With nearly 400,000 dead in South Sudan, will the US change policy?

It's a war as brutal as the one in Syria. Will the Trump administration pay any serious attention to it?

Trump’s at war with US intelligence – and (for once) he’s right

By giving America it’s dumbest and cruelest wars, the best and brightest left room for a dumber and crueler leader to end them.

Funding of human needs must be front and center: Coalition asks presidential candidates to...

We need bold leadership to break the hold of what President Eisenhower deemed 'the military-industrial complex.'"

Nuclear disarmament should be a top 2020 campaign issue but is being ignored

With none of the major presidential candidates raising this kind of nuclear disarmament program, it is up to the US peace movement and Green Party candidates up and down the ticket to inject these demands into the 2020 elections.

The forgotten trauma of a forgotten war

GOMA, North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo -- The boy was sitting next to his father, as he so often did....