Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tag: 1984

2084: Orwell revisited in the Age of Trump

It’s obviously time to act on a global scale. Tell that to Big Brother.

Entering a 1984 world, Trump-style

Or implementing the Sino-Russian blueprint for a tripolar world order.

In the public schools, it’s been 1984 for quite awhile

Betsy DeVos is the face of corporate reform, displaying in stark, unlovely form the processes that have been eating away at public education since the beginning of this century.

It’s 1984 in Trumplandia

Thanks to our bellicose commander in chief, Orwell's 70-year-old classic is a bestseller again.

Revisiting Orwell’s ‘1984’ in Trump’s America

The new regime evokes past totalitarian states, both historical and fictional.


Why are young working-class men more ‘conservative’?

It’s not just about women’s increasing power and independence—it’s about capitalism failing us all.

Trump’s Disloyal, Dirty Dozen: His most toxic, gut-busting onslaughts against sacred American values

Would the American electorate be dumb enough to elect a conspicuous, anti-democratic bomb-thrower to our top office?

US and China why not a deal?

The very real dangers—ecological as well as geopolitical—that the world now faces encourage finding some kind of negotiated agreement on a multi-polar world.

The empire is going down

In some fashion, we now seem to be on a post-imperial planet in which—if only—the best approach would be: chill, baby, chill.

10 worst things about the Trump presidency

We cannot afford to forget just how terrible Trump’s time in the White House was for this nation.