Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tag: 9/11

Pentagon chief’s reversal of plea deals with 9/11 defendants sparks outrage...

The abrupt decision to scrap plea agreements with Guantánamo detainees raises questions about justice, torture, and the future of military commissions.

The October 7th America has forgotten

The war deaths we no longer protest (or even think about).

‘Israel’s 9/11’ is a slogan to rationalize open-ended killing of Palestinian...

“The horrific cycle of violence in the Middle East will not end until the Israeli occupation ends—and a huge obstacle to ending the occupation has been the U.S. government.”

How 9/11 bred a ‘war on terror’ from hell

That never-ending disaster—known as “the war on terror”—has resulted in the deaths of nearly a million people and the “indirect deaths” of perhaps 3.6 million more.

Afghan Central Bank calls US theft of $7 billion ‘injustice to...

What Biden is doing, said Askaryar "is not justice for 9/11 families," but rather the "theft of public funds from an impoverished nation already on the brink of famine and starvation brought on by the United States' disastrous withdraw" in 2021.

Islam wasn’t the threat—Islamophobia was

Since September 11th, Muslim Americans have suffered bitterly from discrimination and hate crimes in this country, while their religion has been demonized.

Seeking continued support for 9/11 victims

September 11th, 2001 will always be a day marked by tragedy and loss for the United States. As clouds of smoke and...

Costs of war: 17 years after 9/11, nearly half a million...

The cost of the global so-called war on terror will soon surpass $6 trillion.

New study details ‘staggering’ $6 trillion (and counting) price tag of...

"In sum, high costs in war and war-related spending pose a national security concern because they are unsustainable."

An Afghan woman’s reflection on Afghanistan post 9/11

What has the US really gained in this ongoing, never-ending travesty? And by what measurement do we assess any progress?


Why are young working-class men more ‘conservative’?

It’s not just about women’s increasing power and independence—it’s about capitalism failing us all.

Trump’s Disloyal, Dirty Dozen: His most toxic, gut-busting onslaughts against sacred American values

Would the American electorate be dumb enough to elect a conspicuous, anti-democratic bomb-thrower to our top office?

US and China why not a deal?

The very real dangers—ecological as well as geopolitical—that the world now faces encourage finding some kind of negotiated agreement on a multi-polar world.

The empire is going down

In some fashion, we now seem to be on a post-imperial planet in which—if only—the best approach would be: chill, baby, chill.

10 worst things about the Trump presidency

We cannot afford to forget just how terrible Trump’s time in the White House was for this nation.