Monday, May 6, 2024

Tag: Bernie Sanders

The End of the Establishment?

Something very big has happened, and it’s not due to Bernie Sanders’ magnetism or Donald Trump’s likeability. It’s a rebellion against the establishment.

Spike Lee Endorses Bernie Sanders in New Radio Ad

"Bernie takes no money from corporations. Nada. Which means he’s not on the take! And when Bernie gets into the White House, he will do the right thing!”

America’s Addiction to Firstism — Delusion Decoyed as ‘Greatness’

For GOP primaries, Firstism is a universal affliction. Imagine the delightful firsts beaming from a Trump-Sanders presidential contest!

Bernie Is More Generous to Workers Than Hillary

Hillary Clinton believes that $12 an hour minimum wage is sufficient for people living in every area of the United States. Bernie Sanders insists that a livable wage is at least $15 an hour.

Charles Krauthammer: America’s Conservative Voice

“Charles Krauthammer’s conservative ideological outlook is every bit as destructive as Trump’s “ethnonationalist populism.” The reality is that Krauthammer’s conservatism has been the guiding light of the U.S. economy since its inception and produced a history of continual booms and busts, the latter coming as ever deeper and prolonged depressions.”

Here’s How Trump Will Go Down In Flames In the General...

“As the election process evolves Trump’s chances of winning the presidency will be virtually destroyed because of how he has completely alienated the vast majority of women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians and the mass of Americans.”

No Reforming Democrats: Leftist Dogma or Scientific Fact?

“For the sake of our nation’s common good—mostly likely, for the sake of saving human civilization from encroaching climate destruction—I think we must expose the hypothesis that Democrats are beyond reform to testing by purely rational experiment.”

Hillary Clinton Narrowly Wins in Nevada After a Very Confusing Caucus

Hillary Clinton may have been declared the official winner of the Nevada caucus, but the Sanders campaign declares the final results extremely positive.

Bernie Challenges Hillary to Release Her Secret Wall Street Speeches

Hillary Clinton is being hard-pressed to release the transcripts of multiple speeches she was paid to give to big banks like Goldman Sachs. What is she so afraid of?

Hit Piece on Sanders Proposals Relies on Pro-Clinton Economists Mislabeled as...

NY Times runs hit piece on Sanders and his Medicare-for-all health plan, citing four supposedly independent "left-leaning" economists, all of whom actually worked for the Clinton and/or Obama administrations, are not "left-leaning" and who are actually Clinton backers.


Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president's portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents.

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.

Unveiling the titans of carbon: How 57 companies drive the global climate crisis

The quest to curb emissions becomes not just a matter of individual or national effort but a pressing need for accountability at the corporate level.

Ukraine, Israel, and the incoherence of US foreign policy

The legislation that emerges from the U.S. Congress is often as ugly and unappetizing as the process that created it.