Tag: CEO pay
CEOs now make 300 times more than their workers. This city...
Runaway CEO pay contributes to income inequality and ultimately harms companies, so local governments aren’t waiting for a federal fix.
Historic CEO pay tax passes in Portland
The Oregon city has just adopted the first tax penalty on corporations with extreme gaps between their CEO and worker pay.
We don’t need Washington to fix bloated CEO pay
There are clear channels that people can use to put downward pressure on the pay of those at the top in both the corporate and noncorporate sector that don’t require going through Washington.
Carly Fiorina Proves You Don’t Want a CEO for a President
Carly Fiorina personifies corporate greed and economic inequality claiming that “running government like a business” would be a positive. Who actually thinks she belongs in the White House?
Who Polices the Pay Police?
Corporations have added a new level of “pay police” to oversee the platinum paychecks of top bosses. But even when the board runs this process, the chief’s pay keeps going up, up and away.