Tag: homelessness
Biden unveils plan to reduce homelessness 25% by 2025
"The fundamental solution to homelessness is housing," says the White House roadmap. "When a person is housed, they have a platform to address all their needs, no matter how complex."
Challenges homeless people face in getting jobs
All too often, homeless persons are unfairly blamed for their plight.
‘You only get what you’re organized to take’—lessons from the National...
“You can’t talk about the problems of poverty — the pain of it, the daily struggles to survive, the plight, the fight and the insight — without involving the newly emerging leaders from the growing ranks of the poor.”
Is there homelessness in our future?
The only solution to homelessness is a combination of providing for more low cost housing and boosting income.
Why are there 40 million people in the US living below
If change can be achieved, it should be a combination of substantial taxes on those with wealth, and programs that offer essential elements of a good life to all in the society.
Helping the homeless: Australian charity turns empty parking lots into safe...
"By providing a safe, secure and comfortable place to get a good night’s rest, we help restore health, dignity and respect for our guests."
Texas nonprofit aims to solve two problems: Homelessness and environmental cleanup
To date, the program has paid out over $100,000 in earned income and helped 24 individuals experiencing homelessness secure stable housing.
Compassion versus greed
Why do we permit investors to latch on to apartments and neither live in them nor put them up for rent?
Pushed out, attacked & criminalized: San Francisco’s unhoused people speak out...
While advocates push for more affordable housing solutions, instead city governments have been cracking down on unhoused people with increasingly punitive measures that criminalize homelessness.