Tag: humanity
Humanity’s shrinking window: Reversing the Amazon’s slide toward the tipping point
A closer look at the Amazon’s declining health and its global implications.
Not as simple as 1, 2, 3: Humanity has a surprisingly...
Language plays an important role in understanding the concept of numbers.
The growing movement to bring back community grief and ritual
A free and open community grief-tending event in Berkeley, California, set an example for coming to terms with loss—of people we love and of nature.
A promising new project to organize humanity’s universal heritage
An international group of researchers and data scientists are creating a comprehensive database of the world’s archaeological knowledge—and changing our understanding of humans’ prehistoric heritage.
By 2030, poor nations will need $2.4 trillion per year to...
"Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish. It is either a climate solidarity pact—or a collective suicide pact."
An obituary for our world
Yes, my obituary is a given, but humanity’s should be so much less so.
Increasing disasters are ‘setting humanity on a spiral of self-destruction,’ UN...
“The financial system really needs to get ahead of this curve, because otherwise there’s a lot of built-up risk that isn’t being priced into how we make decisions.”
Societies can prevent wars from starting—and the future of humanity requires...
Experts in peace and conflict studies explain the scientific evidence that societies can choose peace, and that warfare is also a choice, not a necessity.
The important things for humanity
We need to get rid of wars, racism, inequality, and all those other traits which make us less human and which undermines our survival.
The global cry for change
Billions of people throughout the world are desperate for change, for freedom, social justice, greater democracy and environmental action.