Tag: minimum wage
Not Lovin’ It
McDonald's new ad campaign is trying to tap into people’s emotions linking their positive feelings of love with the Golden Arches. Maybe it would be better served to ask the workers about the “love” they’re getting from McDonald’s.
Fast Food Workers in Kentucky Stand Up to Global Billion-Dollar Corporation...
This Wednesday, cooks and cashiers at Morehead State University (MSU) will vote to unionize in order to bargain for a liveable wage. The workers are employed by Aramark, whose top executive makes 1,817 times more per year than their average worker.
Why Wages Won’t Rise
The key strategy of the nation’s large corporations and financial sector has been to prevent wages from rising. And if you didn't already notice, corporations and Wall Street are calling the shots.
As 2015 Begins, Remember 2014′s Wins
The core message from last year’s elections wasn't that voters embraced the GOP’s right-wing values, it's that they didn’t want to elect namby-pamby Democrats. But there is now a chance to say “yes” to an array of progressive ballot initiatives.
Raise the federal minimum wage for tipped workers
Sign the petition to raise the federal minimum wage for tipped workers.