Thursday, February 6, 2025

Tag: Patriotism

Republicans don’t own patriotism

True patriots don’t put loyalty to their political party above their love of America.

Self-indicted by unpatriotic hate speech, witless right hypocrites slur Dems for...

The first national party to run "for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law."

The patriotism of killing and being killed

Why are patriotism and war so intertwined in U.S. media and politics?

What is patriotism really?

Real patriotism goes far beyond waving the flag and singing the National Anthem.

Patriotism has little stature when the need for international collaboration has...

Rather than encouraging the collective, global scientific approach the pandemic desperately needs, Trump deliberately isolates the United States from such a required international response.

Why can’t we just play ball?

The militarization of sports and the redefinition of patriotism.

Patriotism, taxes, and Trump

The Republican tax plan will make things worse by burdening the middle class and the poor even more.

‘My Flag’s Bigger Than Yours’ and Other Patriotic Myths

Some say the Democrats flipped the script at last month's convention by recapturing the flag from Republicans. The thing is, writes Lynn Sherr, that stuff belongs to all of us.

The Five Principles of Patriotism

True patriots seek to confirm and strengthen and celebrate the “we” in “we the people of the United States.”

The Choice of Patriotism

Inclusive patriotism is our national creed. It is born of hope. Mean-spirited, exclusive patriotism is new to our shores. It is born of fear.


The mass deportation handoff, Biden to Trump

Its essential assumption: that Biden adored open borders, while Trump, the demagogue, is on his way to executing a profitable clampdown on them.

Trump administration orders USDA and Forest Service to remove climate change references, suppressing critical...

The systematic erasure of climate change information from government websites threatens scientific transparency, public safety, and environmental policy.

Tesla paid zero federal income tax in 2024 while GOP pushes more corporate tax...

Musk’s trillion-dollar company paid nothing in federal taxes while working Americans foot the bill.

MAGA the destroyer in full demolition mode, misreading ‘success’ not as bridges built but...

Trump is now like the lone gunslinger, thinking his aim perfect enough to win by emptying six-guns in the first two minutes.

Blueprint for ethnic cleansing: Trump proposes US take over Gaza & forcibly remove all...

Trump went even further and said the United States should “own” Gaza and develop it into a seaside tourist destination.