Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: politics

Black Friday Amerika: ‘Shop till we all drop’!!

Old Ben Franklin said it best: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Hear that all you Wal-Mart shoppers?

The Koch brothers’ Freedom Partners Group spends $115.2 million in 2017

Freedom Partners, officially organized as a 501 (c)(6) trade association for the purpose of “promoting economic freedom,” funnels money from the Koch Network of billionaire donors to a growing number of political advocacy organizations controlled by Koch operatives.

The game-changing promise of a Green New Deal

Because this possibility is simply too important, and time is just too short, to allow it to be shut down by the usual forces of political inertia.

Democratic Party ‘leadership’ is upside down

Clearly, much of the Democratic Party’s momentum is now coming from the left. And many of the positions that the timeworn Democratic leadership has staked out are now being overrun.

Look to the right for corruption

So why vote for a sleaze? Why choose lies and corruption?

Exploring the mindset of a typical hardcore Trump supporter

As I said these Americans are extremely angry and frustrated and want to see change so it seems like they are more than willing to support someone who is as angry as they are.

3 charts: What Trump doesn’t want you to know about the...

Trump and his cronies are deeply invested in or beholden to ExxonMobil and other Big Carbon firms who stand to lose billions if the public realizes the harm they are inflicting on us.

The rule of law

Breaking the rule of law doesn’t require consistency. It requires only a thirst for power at whatever cost.

Psychopathology on full display

While not perfect or overwhelming, the people decided in the midterms to check on the President’s power. Expect more to come. It’s our only hope.

Labor’s challenge to the new Democrats in Congress

Far too many so-called representatives of the people forget the working men and women who volunteered their valuable time to canvass and call and convince for them.


The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions

Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers.

Trump’s $48 billion corporate tax cut proposal exceeds annual K-12 education budget

The proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% would result in massive tax savings for the largest U.S. companies, benefiting wealthy shareholders while neglecting workers and public investments.

Clarence Thomas faces fresh scrutiny over undisclosed luxury trips funded by billionaire

This has prompted renewed calls for his resignation and demands for stricter ethics reforms for the highest court in the land.

Russia’s war on Ukraine generates more emissions than 175 countries: $32 billion climate bill...

The first two years of Russia’s invasion resulted in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 175 individual countries, further intensifying the global climate emergency.

Supreme Court upholds access to abortion pill

More than 6 million people have used mifepristone since 2000.