Tag: Republicans
Confessions of a besieged Trumper
Only patriots with righteous causes/ Defy bad laws, like daring outlaws.
Grassroots organizing in red states is at the heart of abolitionist...
One of the biggest struggles for abolitionists right now is for organizers to really believe in their own power to enact the world of abundance and safety that is a necessary part of an abolitionist future.
Backers of endless war deplore that many Trump supporters favor using...
Are some of Trump’s true believers are eager to adapt the violent precepts of perpetual war to American politics?
Sanders aims to convince Fox News readers climate action ‘is a...
"If this is what you believe I would respectfully disagree and I would urge you to get on the phone and call friends and family around the country to hear about what their communities are experiencing."
5 crises Republicans made up to distract you
Are they using fake crises to disguise what’s really going on?
Extremists want to ban discussing their abortion bans
Thirty-nine years later, here comes a clique of theocratic extremists in our country using Orwellian manipulation in its crusade to take control over every woman’s personal reproductive rights.
‘On what planet is that fiscally responsible?’ GOP spending cuts would...
"Even by the low standards of Congress in 2023, it's shocking how quickly House Republicans ripped up their end of the bargain that steered the country clear of default last month."
Republicans don’t own patriotism
True patriots don’t put loyalty to their political party above their love of America.
The ‘law and order’ party is packed full of criminals
The Republican Party has been packed full of criminals for decades, and the past several election cycles show that the rot has only gotten worse.
Self-indicted by unpatriotic hate speech, witless right hypocrites slur Dems for...
The first national party to run "for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law."