Saturday, May 11, 2024

Tag: Russia

Syria: A Ticking Time Bomb

The conflict in Syria continues to escalate and could ignite “a massive war between major world powers.” Bombs and destruction must come to a stop and a resolution must be reached for the major nations involved.

Debate: Sanders Rejects Intervention While Clinton Slams Iran and Putin and...

While foreign policy was a big issue discussed during the Democratic National Debate, Bernie Sanders' and Hillary Clinton's stances couldn't be more different. Here's their views when it comes to Iran, Putin and supporters of Syrian Rebels.

Bush and Cheney’s Final Failure: Many in Iraq Seek an Alliance...

Could the Obama administration’s "foot-dragging" cause the Iraqi government to create an alliance with Russia? This is the final failure that sits on the shoulders of Bush and Cheney.

China/Russia, the World’s “Other” Superpower, Will Not Be Intimidated

The U.S. is not the only current superpower in the world. The alliance between Russia and China has created a militaristic, economically stable superpower that could greatly threaten the U.S. Instead of focusing on war with these countries, the U.S. needs to focus on rebuilding America.

VIDEO: Obama and Putin Spar at UN: Will Regime Change in...

During a formal meeting in New York, President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed their views on Syria and Ukraine with Obama expressing his willingness to work with Russia to resolve the Syrian crisis.

Egypt’s el-Sissi and Putin Pledge Common Front Against Terrorism

Putin is attempting to draw Egypt into a common front against terrorism. The two have some common economic interests, as well. Russia is offering to build Egypt a nuclear power plant, and Egypt is offering Russia some free trade zones along the refurbished Suez Canal.

Future Shock: China, Russia Target Europe as Economic Partner

China and Russia appear to be joining forces in order to pursue economic endeavors in Europe and Asia. If this happens, and it is likely that it will, what will happen to the United States?

Ukraine: Putin Slams the Door in NATO’s Face

Ukraine has caused the United States, the superpower country, to be challenged by Russia. This shift in power seems to be a reality check for the U.S. whose military might not be in control of Europe and Eurasia regions any longer.

Former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Assassinated

Former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov was assassinated in Moscow this weekend. Nemtsov, an economic reformer, opposed many of Putin’s decisions and ideas like so many other Russian journalists, authors, and activists recently killed.

Déjà vu in Central Europe: Ukraine Between East and West

Putin’s strategy is to "reconstitute the Old Russian Empire" and what remains of Ukraine's territorial integrity is threatening the overall peace in Europe. It seems the crisis will not end until Putin is stopped. So who will stop him?


Iceland opens biggest operational CO2 plant in the world

The plant, named Mammoth, is the second commercial facility opened by the company to aid in the reduction of fossil fuel emissions to combat the effects of climate change.

Europe braces for the next Ukraine

If both the European Union and the United States—increasingly dominated by far-right politicians—allow Bosnia to fall apart, that will send a strong signal to Russia about the likely fate of Ukraine.

War culture hates the ethical passion of the young

Young people have dared to lead the way, insisting that such a culture of death is repugnant and completely unacceptable.

US senators threaten ICC with sanctions if Israeli officials are targeted

This stern admonition, aimed directly at the ICC's prosecutor, comes as the court contemplates charges against Israeli officials for alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

New reports highlight urgency to shield Medicare and Social Security from GOP cuts

Recent government trustee reports underscore the vitality of Medicare and Social Security, sparking a fierce debate over the future of these programs under potential Republican governance.