Tag: seafood
US decides to ban seafood imports that do not meet standards...
The ban "will protect numerous threatened species of whales, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals from entanglement in fishing gear used in foreign waters."
China bans seafood imports from Japan after release of Fukushima wastewater...
The Chinese customs bureau said the immediate ban was put in place to prevent “the risk of radioactive contamination of food safety caused by Japan’s Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge.”
Netflix’s ‘Seaspiracy’: Viewers react to commercial fishing industry exposé
The exposé has sparked countless questions about and investigation into the seafood industry's claims and practices.
Seafood study finds plastic in 100% of samples
"From the edible marine species tested, sardines had the highest plastic content, which was a surprising result."
Scientists launch groundbreaking study on health risks of microplastics in seafood
Studies have already found that sea salt can be rich in plastic and that we likely consume the tiny bits that get embedded in many types of seafood.