Monday, September 16, 2024

Tag: world

As the US Consulate in Irbil, Iraq, Is Bombed, Can America...

The U.S. diplomatic presence in the eastern reaches of the Middle East is in question as the security for such embassies and consulates is the host countries' responsibility. But when the state has failed, we must ask: Is U.S. diplomacy even possible in much of the region?

Choosing Life

Farmers often display genuine affection for the animals they abuse and send to slaughter. Have we created a belief system that inures people to suffering in a culture that kills? It's time we restore balance to the earth and our lives.

Open Veins, Healing Wounds in Latin America

As the U.S. and Cuba had their first formal meeting in more than half a century, Eduardo Galeano, the great Uruguayan writer who did so much to explain the deeply unequal relations, recently died. Will the open wounds be healed in Latin America?

No One Is Free Until All Are Free

Women and girls will only begin to join the liberation movement when they are liberated. Chris Hedges discusses the fight to end male violence against women. It's time it takes primacy in our own struggle.

Journalism as Subversion

Global capitalism erases the world's stories and histories. It seeks to shut out our voices, hopes and dreams by replacing the actual and the real with fake and false. Is its ultimate goal to create a vast historical amnesia?

The Most Dangerous Women in America

Is a new party essential if the corporate coup is to be reversed? Kshama Sawant, the socialist on the City Council in Seattle that is up for re-election, certainly thinks so. She is calling for this national party to be formed now.

Ghost Dance: Five Facts about Our Vanished Nations

In his column, Thomas Magstadt lists a few facts about U.S. history from a new book about Indigenous people of the nation written from the perspective of non-Indigenous people. It's time we as a nation recognize our past wrongs so we can finally heal.

‘Epic Fail:’ Feminism and Ecological Crises

It seems homo sapiens’ domination of Earth is coming to an end as the result of today’s processes of resource extraction and waste generation. What can we do to change this trajectory, and is this conversation unavoidable?

The Whoredom of the Left

“Third World women are used in the developed world for domestic labor, the care of the old and the undisciplined sexuality of the men.” An expression of global capitalism, has the world entered “the industrialization of prostitution?”

As al-Qaida Defeats ‘Moderate’ US Allies in Syria, Will the US...

President Obama has announced his new "complicated plan" to deal with ISIL and it involves training a "third force", therefore creating a Free Syrian Army to attack al-Qaeda and ISIL. But is this a practical option to fighting the radical extremists?


New study finds personal care products cause development disruptions in children

The study linked endocrine disruptors, which "mimic, block or interfere with the body’s own hormones," and disruptions in children "during key developmental moments,"

Trump, the felon, has been making a complete fool out of the US court...

The political destruction of Trump who, as a candidate for president is the greatest insult to our democracy and our Constitution and to the U.S. court system that has constantly bent to him and given him one free pass after another.

Putin warns of NATO involvement as US weighs letting Ukraine use long-range missiles in...

Putin’s warning came as reports surfaced suggesting that U.S. President Joe Biden is considering allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russian targets, marking a dangerous new phase in the two-and-a-half-year war.

Corporate greed exposed: Kroger admits to price gouging on milk and eggs amid antitrust...

A top Kroger executive admits to inflating milk and egg prices above the rate of inflation

Democrats push groundbreaking bill to make Big Oil pay for climate crisis

The Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act would require major fossil fuel companies to pay into a damages fund, modeled after the Superfund, to help mitigate the harm caused by their contributions to global warming.