The battle for Net Neutrality isn’t over

The FCC says the reversal "will protect consumers at far less cost to investment than prior rigid and wide-ranging utility rules."


On Thursday, December 14, The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3-2 to repeal Net Neutrality rules implemented during the Obama era in 2015.

Without the Net Neutrality rules, companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon will be able to call all the shots and decide which websites, content and applications succeed.

The vote was split along party lines.

The FCC released an official statement, saying that the reversal “will protect consumers at far less cost to investment than prior rigid and wide-ranging utility rules.”

They continued,

“Following detailed legal and economic analysis, as well as extensive examination of comments from consumers and stakeholders, the Commission reversed the FCC’s 2015 heavy-handed utility-style regulation of broadband internet access service, which imposed substantial costs on the entire Internet ecosystem. In place of that heavy-handed framework, the FCC is returning to the traditional light-touch framework that was in place until 2015. Moreover, the FCC today also adopted robust transparency requirements that will empower consumers as well as facilitate effective government oversight of broadband providers’ conduct.”

The idea that dismantling Net Neutrality empowers consumers is simply untrue.

Without Net Neutrality, your internet service provider (ISP) can now slow down their competitors’ content or block political opinions they disagree with. They can charge extra fees to the few content companies that can afford to pay for preferential treatment — relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service.

And how will the next disruptive technology, business or company emerge, when ISPs can squash competition before it even gets started?

How does that “empower consumers”?

And this isn’t just theoretical. Portugal is a great example of life without Net Neutrality:

Losing Net Neutrality is more than a blow to our wallets and business innovation, it’s a threat to our democracy.

Marginalized groups such as people of color, the LGBTQ community, indigenous peoples and religious minorities in the United States rely on a free and open internet to organize and raise awareness, to fight back against systemic discrimination.

Without Net Neutrality, how can these groups fight against oppression? Who will hear their voices? How will they gain justice and equality?

But the fight isn’t over yet!

Congress has the power to reverse the FCC’s vote.

You must urge your lawmakers to use a “resolution of disapproval” to overturn the FCC’s decision to dismantle the Net Neutrality rules.

Sign the petition below or click here to find your representative and contact them to let them know you support Net Neutrality.


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