Going green: How your college can get involved

There’s a number of things your college can do to lower their carbon footprint and Go Green in 2021.


Education is important, but with students travelling in and large campus facilities constantly in use, many colleges rack up quite an impact on the world. Thankfully, there’s a number of things your college can do to lower their carbon footprint and Go Green in 2021, all of which will likely save them money along the way. Keep reading to find out how:

Electronic Communications

Letters, print-outs and resource materials are the most common misuse of paper. In a digital age where libraries have computers and every student is required to have an email by default, your college could easily reduce paper waste and expenditure by issuing important messages and providing source materials online.

“School-based social media pages, access to lecture slides and automated emails are just a few measures a college could institute with little to no effort and expenditure, and have huge impact on resource use,” says Liza Jest, an educator from Assignment Help and Big Assignments.

Bottle Refilling Stations

Most students bring a water bottle to campus, but no one wants to haul around cumbersome, two litre bottles all day. Buying extra bottles is also possible, but this creates a plastic waste and consumable resource society amongst students, which is detrimental to a college’s footprint.

Save money, water and reduce plastic waste by installing bottle refilling stations around campus. This will not only encourage students to bring reusable metal bottles, but also encourage them to drink more. Hydrated students focus better, get higher grades and are generally happier, too.

Student Transport

It’s inevitable that many students will have to commute to college. Whether that’s from the city itself or outlying towns and boroughs, it still means they’re racking up miles and adding to the college’s carbon footprint every day. Mitigate this problem and reduce CO2 emissions through a campaign that encourages more mindful travel and ride sharing.

Encouraging carpooling through specialized or free parking, partnering up with local services to provide cheaper public transport are just a few ways other colleges have already lowered their carbon emissions per student. See what could work at your campus.

Local Produce Eco-Refectory

Lower food transport impacts and support local businesses, all in one! Stocking your refectory or student cafes with locally-produced, fresh ingredients means healthier means, mindful foods and giving back to your local community. Feeling extra adventurous? You can set aside a plot for students to help grow vegetables and get discounts for being part of the growing scheme.

“College students are aware of their carbon footprint and ecological impact. Giving them direct, subsidized methods to have an effect on their college’s green footprint is a great way to get the campus involved and excited,” says Daniel Leek, an expert at UKWritings and Custom Writing.

Recycling Stations

Going back to the root of best intentions, the simplest way to make your college greener is to be sure there are plenty of recycling stations rather than just bins across campus. Students can and will recycle responsibly given easy access to do so, therefore clearly marked, color coded and obvious recycling receptacles will increase bottle and can recycling by students instantly.

Illuminate Ecologically

While you may not think about it, using the right bulbs can save a lot of energy; LEDs are easy to find and last a long time, yet use a fraction of the electricity of a standard light bulb of the same lumen output. Replace any spent bulbs mindfully and watch your energy usage drop, saving you money as well as reducing your carbon footprint.

Provide a Class

Ignorance is bliss, so remove the ignorance around sustainability and green living by offering a cheap – or better yet, free! – monthly class run by volunteers to discuss with students how they can have an effect on their own carbon footprint. Tutors, teachers and assistants can also attend if they lack the knowledge, then give advice when needed. 

Bring In Greenery

Convenience food, heavy foot traffic and enclosed spaces all breed nasty odors, especially when in student housing and smaller lecture halls. Instead of opting for damaging aerosol sprays and chemical deodorizers, bring in some plants. The greenery will brighten the room and increase oxygen flow, which is a natural boost to attention, plus help mask any unpleasant smells with a natural, pleasing scent.


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