Turning the tide: How global conservation efforts are curbing biodiversity loss

A decade-long scientific study reveals significant success in conservation actions worldwide, offering hope amidst the biodiversity crisis.


The health of our planet’s biodiversity is teetering on the brink. Human activities have driven numerous species to the edge of extinction, calling for an urgent need for effective conservation measures. A monumental study recently published in the journal Science has brought hope, demonstrating that global conservation efforts can and do mitigate biodiversity loss.

Over a span of ten years, international researchers conducted an extensive review of 665 conservation trials, encompassing efforts dating back to 1890. These varied from ecosystem-based approaches like hatching Chinook salmon to targeted interventions like the eradication of invasive algae. This comprehensive evaluation spans continents and oceans, encompassing a diverse range of species.

The study’s findings are both heartening and illuminating. Approximately two-thirds of the conservation actions examined yielded positive outcomes for biodiversity. For instance, deforestation rates in the Congo Basin plummeted by 74 percent following the implementation of effective forest management plans. Similarly, Florida’s barrier islands saw Least Tern breeding rates double as a result of meticulous predator management strategies.

However, the results were not universally positive. In one out of every five cases, conservation measures failed to benefit the targeted species and sometimes even led to declines. Yet, even in these instances, there were inadvertent benefits for other species. For example, efforts to create marine protected areas for Australian seahorses resulted in an increase in their natural predators.

Despite these successes, the study revealed significant challenges. The geographical distribution of the trials was skewed, with half of them conducted in Western Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. This under representation of the Global South, especially in biodiversity hot spots like sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia, points to a need for a more globally inclusive approach to conservation research.

Furthermore, the current funding levels for conservation are woefully inadequate. The 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework set ambitious goals, including halting the decline of nature by the end of this decade and mobilizing at least $200 billion annually from various sources. Yet, current investments fall short, with only an estimated $121 billion being allocated each year to conservation efforts worldwide.

Dr. Penny Langhammer, executive vice-president of the environment charity Re:wild and a co-author of the study, provided an optimistic view on the findings. She stated, “If you read the headlines about extinction these days, it would be easy to get the impression that we are failing biodiversity – but that’s not really looking at the whole picture.” Langhammer emphasized that conservation, when effective, significantly improves biodiversity and slows its decline.

Dr. Joseph Bull, an associate professor in climate-change biology at the University of Oxford and another co-author, highlighted the disparity in conservation funding. He stressed that “these measures are clearly not being funded at a sufficient scale to actually start to reverse global declines in biodiversity.”


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