Trump’s worst braggadocio: Rote, conniving predictions doomed not to warp the future! 

Is blatant trash talk not desperate swill/ From Convict-in-chief and right-wing shill?


Winning candidates anticipate real-world probabilities, not fantasize bizarre impossibilities

To appreciate the worst clairvoyant in the western world, see Aaron Blake’s masterful “Donald Trump is not exactly Nostradamus,” subtitled, “The former president predicts a hellscape under Kamala Harris. He did the same with Biden—saying many of the same things, in fact—and his forecasts were consistently wrong.” His appalling, upside-down 2020 predictions/threats if Biden were elected: 1) stock market crashes/Depression (whoops, this week had a record high); 2) total lock-downs (“no kids in school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas and no Fourth of July together”); 3) $7 to $9 gas (never got close); 4) China ‘owning’ the United States (why not Europe and South America, too?); 5) wiping out the Second Amendment (all guns outlawed); 6) Eliminating police departments, borders and religious liberty (beyond unhinged); and 7) Banning fracking, destruction of Pennsylvania energy mining (wacko—fracking continues sans Biden-Harris opposition). 

Misreading ALL the handwriting on the wall defines a demented, tone-deaf simpleton—or surprise, a lying, deceptive opportunist. On Harris, Trump is already spouting recycled, fake prophecies as abusive attacks, with the accuracy of a blind person shooting a slingshot in darkness:

[Harris] would “obliterate” Social Security and Medicare, and “destroy” the country. . . would “end” not just fracking but also fossil fuel use as a whole. He has predicted her election would lead to a stock market crash on par with the Great Depression. And on Sunday, he even predicted annihilation. “There will be no future under Comrade Kamala Harris, because she will take us into a Nuclear World War III!” 

Gag and choke. All that’s left of truth is to enjoy my latest verse satire, “obliterating” another unspeakable Trump boast, “I’m very good at predicting.” 

Singular audacity to debate the future in advance—no mean feat, just mean-spirited

Beware prophesy loaded with pretense,
As if deceit ruins our needed suspense.
True leaders envision what may come,
Exposing Trump’s double-dealing drum. 

What Don-Old does very worst of all
Is warp the future he can’t foretell;
His frenzied lies about tomorrow—
An exploding cigar clown show.

His gamut of lies debase the past,
Future whoppers leave reason aghast.
The past is done, neatly correctable,
Events to come—undetectable.  

But marking what’s written on the wall 
Allows winning politics to enthrall;
Bogus fraud sinks the rank abuser,
Saner maps split victor from loser.

Recall Trump’s 2020 doom and gloom:
Elect Biden, the world goes kaboom;
Nightmare, brimstone apocalypse,
Darkest hell would be fully eclipsed.

Confiscated guns—all outlawed,
Freedom, rights, every one whipped saw;
Undrained swamps befoul the USA,
Old Glory becomes the world’s ashtray.

Good jobs struck down by depression,
No Yank escapes woeful oppression;
Old McDon-Old fabricates blight,
Armed with toxic MAGA dynamite.

So Trump the jeering buffoon predicted
A rampage of plagues, self-inflicted.
Is blatant trash talk not desperate swill
From Convict-in-chief and right-wing shill?

Enter a voice with a new tomorrow,
Who’d never an election overthrow.
Enter a pilot for any dread reef,
Fully vetted, she knows “where’s the beef.”

As Loudmouth-in-chief blunders ahead,
Must voters not trump the brain-dead?
Enter stage left the uplifting choice,
Born to make the majority rejoice!


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