Monday, May 6, 2024


“Right now, sadly, we are racing to the bottom. Before we hit it, can we access our big human brains that know how to imagine, to dream, to create workable new paths to peace and prosperity? It is truly up to us.”

Crisis management: Critical lessons from Covid 19

Crisis Management is truly the difficult art and practice of Thinking the Unthinkable and then doing everything in our power to thwart it.

The Great Disconnect Part 2…

Still in the land of the ignorant.

7 ways to make your small business greener

Once you have these new and greener practices down, not only will your office residents thank you for them, but so will the environment.

It’s time we ask our Senators to take immediate action and protect the vote.

Just when we need it more than ever, Compromise is more elusive than ever.

Teaching mindfulness for a better tomorrow

When a child is taught how to be mindful, they can let go of that weight sooner and will be able to better manage their symptoms.

It’s futile… We’re FEUDAL!!

If the economy crashes those FAT CATS can live off of their savings and bonuses for years... while YOU start selling apples on street corners!

Money (always) talks…

If working stiffs out there, regardless of labeling themselves as conservative or progressive, stop supporting this decayed electoral system...

How the idea of personal liberty is quickly fading away

The world is changing far too quickly for people to get used to it, and the rate of expansion isn’t slowing down. No one can keep track, at least not alone.

A Review of Marcelo Gullo’s book: “International Relations: A Critical Theory from the South...

The book: “Relaciones internacionales: Una teoría crítica desde la periferia sudamericana” (International Relations: a Critical Theory from the South American periphery) contains...