Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Crocodile tears

Perhaps it is time for we working stiffs to 'Walk Away' from the Super Rich and follow a 'New Awareness' AKA Socialist Ideals. This virus should be our 'Wake-up Call'.

How the idea of personal liberty is quickly fading away

The world is changing far too quickly for people to get used to it, and the rate of expansion isn’t slowing down. No one can keep track, at least not alone.

Be a viral superspreader

We can do this, if we remain nonviolent, committed, and unified.

The perpetual war scam

This Military Industrial Empire cannot allow too much attention on a fairer economy for working stiffs, or better health and dental coverage, or better roads, bridges, schools, libraries, first providers and teachers.

The real ‘coup de tat’

As long as we allow ANY type of private money into electoral politics, third party movements simply cannot compete with the power of the purse held by the Republicans and Democrats.

Ye are many, they are few!

How do elites keep their monopoly on wealth and power?

A way out of the money trap

We hardly even see these super-rich who hold that 1/10 of 1% of our nation's wealth. They don't live anywhere near where we live. They don't usually eat in the places we eat. Sadly, they say that in our country 'Royalty is dead' ... well, it isn't and never was.

Nonviolence or nonexistence? The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Reverend King posed the fundamental choice of our time: nonviolence or nonexistence. What is your choice?

Lisa Ring and the People’s Party

Lisa, I hope that since you are a Demexit, you’ll push hard for a progressive convention.

We Live or Die Alone and Together

“Save some gratitude for those who preserve life or provide you with the goods of life and stop the overweening, abject displays of mewling groveling at the altar of militarism.”