Thursday, May 2, 2024

The pawns of war

Memorial Day is here again, and it seems ‘The Dogs of War’ are at it as always.

The tool

Vladimir Putin, having helped install Trump, is categorically enjoying the fruits of those labors, with an America much more divided and hating...

Demosthenes, call home: Your quest may be over

This is Joe Biden’s moment to do what he always thought he could do, what he wanted to do from the get-go.

Capitalism and the world we are creating

Capitalism as an economic system has been hoisted to a status none dare criticize as though it were a religion.

Ending violence, exploitation, ecological destruction and war: Creating a culture of peace

Until our parenting and teaching models are radically altered, a culture of peace will remain an impossible dream. And human extinction in the near term is inevitable.

Why are all those racists so terrified?

In essence, racism is a manifestation of the mental illness of elites manipulating us into doing their insane bidding.

The circus never left!!

Sorry, this circus only wishes to show us the Forever Food Fight between the two parties, hosted by the clown of clowns.

You cannot trap the ‘magic rat’: Trump, Congress and geopolitics

The ‘magic rat’ is simply the mechanism by which an unconscious and terrified mind instantly switches its attention from something frightening to something more pleasant to avoid having any time to consciously engage with the presented information.


“I honestly think that until we get on the same page, you can’t tell a woman about their abuse. A man cannot do that. No one can. It is so individual and so personal, it’s galling when a powerful man steps up and starts dictating the terms, whether he intends it or not.”

How climate change could reshape the US 2020 election?

If the presidential race is close, the how or whether to address environmental change in a considerable style could have the effect among triumph and defeat.