Friday, May 3, 2024

A nation of relentless savagery

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: My own government, I cannot be silent.”

Manchurian Amerikans

Well, it is 2017 and what we see here in our Amerika is the ‘deep state’ AKA the super rich run Military Industrial Empire.

Amerika’s Jacob’s ladder

In this fantastic (in a poor sense) version of 2017's Jacob’s Ladder the other right-wing political party, the lesser of two evils Democrats, actually are looking very appealing to many. Why not?

Calibrating for fake v real news

Welcome to the era of mass gaslighting. Infowars. Trump. Putin. Bin Salman. Fox News.

What’s love got to do with it? Everything!

America has become Amerika... one big mart of corruption and predatory corporate Capitalism.

How might Covid-19 change our schools long-term?

What happens in the short-term will certainly be determined within the next several weeks. How institutions will deal with the longer-term impacts of this crisis are yet to be seen.

Amerika: The Mad Magazine of 2016

“So, this new issue of Amerika: Mad Magazine of 2016 will be difficult to purchase in your mainstream outlets. Sorry folks. You need to really study history and 'truth to power' to enjoy it... once you can find it out there!”

Good Cops/ Bad Cops

“It is time for the myriad of good cops out there to speak up and speak out against their fellows in blue who shoot and kill the innocent and unarmed... Period!”

The anti-empire report #157: Unpersons

In his desperation for approval, our dear president has jumped on the back of increased military spending.

Population and the Environment

Today we are pressing against the absolute limits of the earth’s carrying capacity.