Saturday, May 18, 2024

No sympathy for the devils

The old adage (I’m lying. I just made it up) of “If you believe there is a devil, then you must believe there is a God too.”

Look to the right for corruption

So why vote for a sleaze? Why choose lies and corruption?


I don’t think that the solution is to treat everyone exactly alike, because that eliminates incentives.

On the (Empire’s) Waterfront

Remember the famous taxicab scene from the great film On the Waterfront? Ex-boxer Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) telling his older brother Charlie...

WE are our weather

‘We are what we think’ especially regarding weather. The more the majority of us think negatively, the more we experience terrible weather patterns.

Creating right relationship

Collective harmony relies on there being right relationship with all living forms and the complex ecological patterns of life of this most beautiful world.

Deconstructing Democracy

This is not Democracy. This is the destruction of Democracy.

Hurricane Mathew vs. Shock and Awe of Empire

Too many other good men and women have lost their limbs, eyes and even their brains because of phony Shock and Awe con men who they believed in.

The Great Disconnect Part 1…

The majority of Americans at that time, and even now, never dared to question what our government and embedded media shoveled at them.

Calibrating for fake v real news

Welcome to the era of mass gaslighting. Infowars. Trump. Putin. Bin Salman. Fox News.