Monday, May 27, 2024

Sustainability in a post-Covid-19 world: Is your business prepared?

Small businesses have a role to play. They have to make sure that they are sustainable in terms of their existence and environmental impact.

The horror #19

Nineteen years ago on March 19, coincidentally, my nation orchestrated the most horrific deed since God knows when.

Ecuador endangered

From the cloud forests in the Andes to the indigenous territories in the headwaters of the Amazon, the Ecuadorean government has covertly granted these mining concessions to multinational mining companies from China, Australia, Canada, and Chile, amongst others.

Exploring the consequences of the urban-rural cultural divide in America

There are many political and cultural differences that push false narratives.

Apocalypse Now?

Sadly, the more this empire focuses our attention on phony wars and regime change, and not on the slow bankrupting of this economy... Apocalypse Now won't be a redux, but a reality!

How the Biden administration is planning to reform the meat industry

Individuals can vote for better meat industry regulations by choosing environmentally educated government representatives.

7 books every activist needs to read

Activism can be a long and exhausting road but there are so many sources of inspiration out there. From indigenous protesters to LGBTQ heroes, recharge your activism with these essential stories of standing up to power.

All you need to know about cryosphere and why it’s important for earth?

The scientists at Norvergence found that the interactions between ices cover and snow make the cryosphere very important for the global climate.

The ecological impact of militarism

“In the face of both COVID-19 and the climate crisis, we urgently need to shift from a culture of war to a culture of care.”

U.S. Now Overtly at War Against Russia

“Russia is not expanding to NATO’s borders; NATO is expanding to Russia’s borders. The baldness of the Western lie to the contrary is an insult to Westerners’ intelligence.”