Thursday, May 16, 2024

I’ll cry instead

We have a long lasting parade of fools in my beloved country.

Freaky weather past and present: Is this winter weather the new normal?

Storm Uri wreaked havoc last month and has left many wondering about how often these storms will happen and why.

Baseless accusations: Shut it down?

“So far, I’m massively unimpressed by Trump’s voters, the overwhelming number of them refusing to make themselves known publicly as opposed to many of Trump’s ugliest utterances.”

Dispossessed in the Name of ‘Security’

“The military is looking to expand its role by emphasizing what it portrays as ‘security’ threats arising from ecological disasters.”

Dancing with the Beast

“The Beast of Empire that Nixon alluded to in May of 1970 is still alive and more powerful than ever. It hides within the breast of a controlled government and media. To paraphrase : Its finest trick is to persuade you that it does not exist!”

The elite’s Covid-19 coup to destroy humanity that is also fast-tracking four paths to...

I encourage you to have a ponder. There is a great deal at stake at this time. A human future, no less.

We need immediate and drastic climate action

We must very rapidly stop the extraction and use of fossil fuels.

America: One big commercial!

We get more and more commercials as the newest election cycle approaches.

Thoughts on “It Can’t Happen Here”

Are we just going to give this a whirl and see where it ends while the rest of the world watches?

Creating a mixed race legal system

We should swear an oath that our children will never need to experience a George Floyd death, and the unfairness and inequality that we have today shall be no more.