Thursday, May 9, 2024

Four Reasons Why the Wall Street Journal’s Attack on Bernie Is Bogus

The Wall Street Journal recently dumped on Bernie Sanders' expansion of government based on misinformation and distortion. Now, Robert Reich is responding to the recent article by spreading the truth.

You Can’t Trust the (Corporate) Press

From operation mockingbird to wars based on official lies, you can't trust the corporate press. Democracy will only flourish when "the press can decide whether to print what it knows.”

Art, Politics and Social Change at the Venice Biennale

This year’s Venice Biennale, called “All the World’s Futures,” showcases a growing community of politically engaged artists, who not only reflect the beauty and brutality of the world, but might actually change it.

HuffPost and Washington Post Reporters Face Charges in Ferguson

Huffington Post's Ryan Reilly and Washington Post's Wesley Lowery were charged with trespassing and interfering with a police officer a year after being detained during the Ferguson riots. This raises troubling questions about press freedom.

Education: Time for a New Purpose

New methodologies are needed that inculcate true individuality and creative independent thinking. At the heart of the required changes – which need to be both gradual and radical – must be education – formal and non-formal.

Washington Post Reporter Remains Held in Iranian Prison for a Year

While the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the U.S. State Department have called for his immediate release, Jason Rezaian remains detained in an Iranian prison. His fate resides in the hands of an infamous judge known for committing human rights abuses.

American Journalism’s Ideology: Why the ‘Liberal’ Media Is Fundamentalist

If we were to step back from the diversionary label of journalism and evaluate the deeper ideological commitments that shape mainstream news, what are they really? Robert Jensen evaluates an organization’s coverage of environmental news.

How Mainstream Is Bernie Sanders Really?

A democratic socialist and all, Bernie Sanders isn't being taken seriously by the corporate media. But to mainstream media's surprise, Sanders’s positions are quite mainstream to the stances of the general American public.

Government and Corporate America: A Marriage Made in Hell

When we talk about two things that should never be combined, government and Corporatism is one of them. The massive power held by U.S. global corporations and the rich and powerful has the ability to do irreparable damage to America.

Fox News Anchor Bill O’Reilly Reportedly Abused His Wife in Front of His Daughter

“You can't be a real man if you don't look out for your kids. They need you.” But is Bill O'Reilly "a real man" after he allegedly physically abused his wife in front of their young daughter?