Sunday, June 16, 2024

How white colonizers set us up for uncontrollable wildfires

"I want us to go humbly to the very people our culture tried to exterminate to listen to what they can teach us. "

Caged children and terrified infants: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee describes ‘acts of indecency’ at...

"So what I saw was a crisis continuing. Not in the making – a crisis continuing."

Killing Ragheads for Jesus

It's debated that the movie, “American Sniper,” showcases despicable aspects of U.S. society—our gun culture, blind adoration for the military and innate privileges as Christians. Does the movie cater to a "deep sickness rippling through our society?"

US turned away thousands of Haitian asylum-seekers and detained hundreds more in the 90s

When the U.S. detained Haitian refugees indefinitely, it set a precedent.

How rising inequality is stalling economies by crippling demand

A new agenda is needed. We have to recognize that economic growth inevitably involves economic transformation, based on innovation and technological change.

Betsy DeVos needs an education on ethics

The student loan sharks who prey on veterans and single moms have a friend in Trump's education secretary.

Four reasons why millennials don’t have any money

If we don’t start trying to reduce this generational wealth gap millions of young Americans will struggle to find financial security for the rest of their lives.

Unsung Resistance, from Brooklyn to Nabi Saleh

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

The limited mind: Why fear is driving humanity to extinction

I have previously written many articles describing one or more aspects of the dysfunctional nature of the typical human mind, together with...

What George Carlin taught us about media propaganda by omission

George Carlin’s quip reminds us to demand the other score: the horrific cost of our unequal and unsustainable status quo.