Friday, May 3, 2024

10 Black Women Innovators and the Awesome Things They Brought Us

From a better hairbrush to modern 3D technology, ten things that might never have existed without the invention or innovation of black women.

It’s time for an organizing revival

We need to turn that awakening into sustained power to win tangible change in people’s lives.

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, September 19

Trump slams door on refugees, China sets tariffs on U.S. goods, Kavanaugh accuser goes into hiding after threats, and more.

Morning news’s embarrassing response to net neutrality vote

The flagship morning news shows on broadcast and cable news covered net neutrality for less than four minutes combined.

It’s futile… We’re FEUDAL!!

If the economy crashes those FAT CATS can live off of their savings and bonuses for years... while YOU start selling apples on street corners!

America’s immigration dilemma as related to the law of supply and demand

There is no question that we can address and solve this immigration problem.

When comedian Dick Gregory tried to bust the word

One afternoon in New York City in the spring of 1964, I marched at the head of a small civil rights demonstration,...

The struggle for what’s essential

Global mining companies have used the pandemic to push unwanted projects on vulnerable communities, who are fighting back — and sometimes winning.

Crocodile tears

Perhaps it is time for we working stiffs to 'Walk Away' from the Super Rich and follow a 'New Awareness' AKA Socialist Ideals. This virus should be our 'Wake-up Call'.

How white colonizers set us up for uncontrollable wildfires

"I want us to go humbly to the very people our culture tried to exterminate to listen to what they can teach us. "