Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mother’s Day tears

The fierce prophetic vision of poor women...

Disneyland Resort raises minimum wage to $15 for thousands of more cast members

The resort, located in Anaheim, California, and hotel cast members from United Here! Local 11 "ratified a five-year term" increasing the minimum wage to $15 effective January 2019.

We have the money to fix our food system

Imagine supporting farmers markets, child nutrition, and local agriculture with money we spend on factory farms.

You don’t need a weatherman…

Taken from one of Bob Dylan's songs, Subterranean Homesick Blues, this lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"...

Don’t leave equality to the Supreme Court

In 29 states, trans people can legally be denied jobs and housing because of who we are. Congress should act.

Coronavirus prevention that works for working people

Now is the time to put the basic foundation in place that will make us all safer and more secure in good times, and more resilient when disaster strikes.

Millions mark international Women’s Day as pandemic deepens inequality, violence around the world

We hear voices from protests in the Philippines, Mexico and Guatemala in a year where women have been disproportionately impacted by rising poverty, unemployment and violence during the pandemic.

How not to cover critical race theory

Critical race theory is a longstanding and specific academic lens for understanding systemic racism, but the right has transformed it into a catchall for anything that encourages talking about and addressing racism.

How A Right-Wing Media Myth Made It Into Oral Arguments For A Case Challenging...

Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller is relying on a common right-wing media myth to justify medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion.

Musical “Zuccotti Park” Brings Economic Justice to New York International Fringe Festival

"Easily the liveliest of the productions, 'Zuccotti Park' follows the Occupy movement in its early inception and the many narratives that echo a 'People work their ass off and cannot pay the rent' refrain."