Saturday, May 18, 2024

How indigenous knowledge is transforming the March for Science

“Indigenous peoples were always scientists. Their lives depended on it."

Eight ways to strengthen our democracy beyond voting

The strength of our civic life depends on what we do outside elections.

The deadly cost of pipelines in Native land: Winona LaDuke on missing and murdered...

Indigenous activists say the influx of male workers in Native communities has corresponded with a spike in the kidnapping and murder of indigenous women.

$1 an hour to fight largest fire in CA history: Are prison firefighting programs...

According to some estimates, California avoids spending about $80-$100 million a year by using prison labor to fight its biggest environmental problem.

If doomsday prepping has taught me anything, it’s that we can’t survive alone

Sometimes at second hand books stores I find myself with an armful of books, thinking “These will come in handy if …...

An invisible essential labor force

How the migrant women farmworkers who put food on our tables are organizing for a better life after the pandemic.

Musical “Zuccotti Park” Brings Economic Justice to New York International Fringe Festival

"Easily the liveliest of the productions, 'Zuccotti Park' follows the Occupy movement in its early inception and the many narratives that echo a 'People work their ass off and cannot pay the rent' refrain."

Protests across Britain against Johnson’s suspension of parliament

“We're fighting for democracy and for a society that works for the 99 percent, not the elites that Trump and Johnson serve.”

Bill McKibben: Green New Deal is a chance to ‘remake not just a broken...

"...if we don’t get action really soon, if we let it stretch out, those are the decades that will finish the work of breaking the planet. It’s why the urgency of something like the Green New Deal is so crucial."

Progressive Briefing for Monday, July 2, 2018

Protestors march against Trump's immigration policies, San Francisco becomes first major city to have $15 minimum wage, and more.