Saturday, May 4, 2024

National (in)security

In the United States of inequality.

Josh Fox: Arrest of Journalists and Filmmakers Covering the Dakota Pipeline is a Threat...

“These people are not accessories to the crime, they are the media. This is a constitutionally protected activity.”

My advice to the class of 2020

The multiple crises we’re facing are opportunities to remake this nation and the world, hopefully into more just societies.

Students as teachers

Facing the world adults are wrecking.

Australian telecommunications company pays phone bills for volunteer firefighters

"We want to do this to show our thanks to firefighters for their efforts in helping keep communities safe."


I don’t think that the solution is to treat everyone exactly alike, because that eliminates incentives.

Donald Trump’s Implied Assassination Threat, Fox News and the NRA

Trump is a dangerous demagogue who is inciting violence, and the time for it to stop is now.

Republicans want to defund our libraries

Claiming to protect children, Republicans are going after libraries and librarians instead of the police, gun manufacturers, and actual child sexual abusers.

Iceland becomes first country to fix this gender inequality problem

Iceland is now the only country in the world that has legalized equal pay between the sexes.