Friday, May 3, 2024

Mistakes in the news are not fake news

And tantrums from the faker-in-chief don’t make them so.

Attempt to close Al-Jazeera is an attack on freedom of expression, UN says

The channel has become part of Qatar’s grand strategy, and asking them to close it down is like asking Switzerland to close its banks.

‘Morning Joe’ hosts accuse Trump of using National Enquirer to harass family

The National Enquirer also launched several false accusations against Trump's political rivals.

Facebook’s secret censorship rules protect white men from hate speech but not black children

A trove of internal documents sheds light on the algorithms that Facebook’s censors use to differentiate between hate speech and legitimate political expression.

Of Caesar, guns and trolls: The evil that men do

The GOP and right wing will use any diversion to distract us from an agenda of cruelty and madness.

Behind the media surge against Bernie Sanders

Like it or not, the battle over the future of the Democratic Party – including what kind of presidential nominee the party should have in 2020 – is already underway.

Monsanto targets cancer scientist in flawed Reuters story

The story fails to disclose several key pieces of information.

20 million Muslims march against ISIS and the mainstream media completely ignores it

The way to truly defeat ISIS is by rendering their fear and divisive tactics impotent.

After coal, a small Kentucky town builds a healthier, more creative economy

A complex network of local organizations helps neighbors support one another as they rebound from a dying industry.

Stop making excuses for hateful white men

Racism – not mental illness – was behind the killings on the Portland train. Let’s call it what it is so we can deal with it.