Tuesday, April 30, 2024

You don’t need a weatherman…

Taken from one of Bob Dylan's songs, Subterranean Homesick Blues, this lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"...

Nearly 1,000 Amazon workers will walk out and join Global Climate Strike

"As a leader, we need to reach zero first and not be a company who slides in at the last possible deadline,”

New report: ABC, CBS, NBC covered climate crisis connection to Hurricane Dorian only once...

"Climate change is fueling storms like Hurricane Dorian. But you wouldn't know that from watching broadcast TV news."

Big Pharma is the most widely hated industry in the US

With drug prices continuing to sore and the ongoing opioid epidemic and lawsuits associated with it, the industry's rating likely will not recover any time soon.

NYT remembers David Koch more as ‘philanthropist’ than polluter

An obituary should memorialize a person, but some people’s legacies are darker than dinosaur exhibits.

Tax the rich before the rest

Candidates should pledge that the middle class won't pay $1 more in new taxes until billionaires put up at least $1 trillion.

Twisting, distorting the meaning of the Second Amendment

Will the American people allow these un-American entities to twist and bend the meaning of the Second Amendment so that it outweighs the critical need to significantly reduce the incidence of mass shootings?

Why shouldn’t accusations be admissible evidence?

By themselves, such accusations should not be conclusive evidence, but they should cast doubt on the perpetrator’s denial of bad acts in the present case.

Nearly 2 million people in India could lose citizenship in biggest disenfranchisement in history

Nearly 2 million people in the northeast state of Assam are at risk of being rendered stateless in India after the government...

U.S. journalist & activist Brandon Lee shot in Philippines after being called “enemy of...

American journalist and indigenous and environmental rights activist Brandon Lee remains in critical condition in the Philippines more than four weeks after...