Monday, May 27, 2024

EPA reverses approval of poison traps used to kill wildlife

Last week, Trump’s EPA had made the decision to reauthorize the use of deadly cyanide traps to kill the wild animals that...

Glyphosate remains on shelves despite EPA admitting Trump-era review was faulty

“We will ask the court to deny this extraordinary request to paper over glyphosate’s ecological harms only to approve it anyway down the road. Time to face the music, not run and hide.”

Water protectors protesting at Willow River warn Line 3 ‘is a catastrophic threat’

"Polluted water, land, and rapid climate change are threats to us all, and Line 3 will cause unpredictable levels of damage if it becomes active."

Race, history, and the #ScienceMarch

“People from all parts of the political spectrum should be alarmed by [Trump’s] efforts to deny scientific progress.”

Earth’s sixth mass extinction already underway

“The time to act is very short.”

This is the most sobering report card yet on climate change and Earth’s future....

Climate change is now affecting every continent, region and ocean on Earth, and every facet of the weather.

Americans who live far from coasts should also be worried about flooding

This alarming trend points to a need for more awareness, education and communication about flood risk.

People’s Climate March, taking climate change to Trump’s door step

Trump spent his 100th day attacking those who criticized him – hundreds of thousands of citizens spent it together in the streets to send a message back to him.

Wind power smashes records worldwide

Scotland in particular is a wind power all star, with wind turbines occasionally generating more electricity than is actually needed.

It takes FIVE MILLION gallons of freshwater to frack a single gas well

Five million gallons equals 250,000 bathtubs, or seven Olympic-sized swimming pools.