Monday, May 6, 2024

A special loophole for Trump’s millionaire cabinet

Trump's millionaire cabinet nominees could avoid paying taxes on millions of dollars worth of stock.

Water protectors protesting at Willow River warn Line 3 ‘is a catastrophic threat’

"Polluted water, land, and rapid climate change are threats to us all, and Line 3 will cause unpredictable levels of damage if it becomes active."

‘Vastly underestimated’: New study shows methane emissions are 100 times higher than previously thought

"We took one small industry that most people have never heard of and found that its methane emissions were three times higher than the EPA assumed was emitted by all industrial production in the United States."

Glyphosate remains on shelves despite EPA admitting Trump-era review was faulty

“We will ask the court to deny this extraordinary request to paper over glyphosate’s ecological harms only to approve it anyway down the road. Time to face the music, not run and hide.”

It takes FIVE MILLION gallons of freshwater to frack a single gas well

Five million gallons equals 250,000 bathtubs, or seven Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Dakota Access pipeline approved a week after co-owner’s pipeline spilled 600,000 gallons of oil...

“You could just smell this oil smell. A customer walks in and says ‘nobody smoke.’ You could see it just spewing.”

The Trump administration is cutting back protection for migratory birds

Birds are a shared resource among nations. Where governments have acted, they have successfully protected migratory birds and the habitat they depend on.

Climate activists victorious after using a necessity defense

“Zenith Energy Corporation, and the city’s inability to shut it down, is the poster child for what is wrong with our system.”

7 ways to make an even bigger impact when you divest from DAPL

Closing your bank account is just the beginning.

How nanoplastics enter the human body

If you regularly drink water from plastic bottles, you’re likely ingesting even more plastic than the average consumer.