Thursday, May 23, 2024

EPA allowing widespread use of unapproved pesticides, study finds

“The chronic abuse of the emergency approval process has created a shortcut for pesticide companies looking to gain backdoor approval for use of harmful pesticides.”

How a libertarian think tank is trying to correct the ‘degenerate’ climate science debate...

While none of this is news to climate scientists, it will be news to many conservatives.

‘Divest The Globe’ protests urge banks to cut ties with fossil fuels

“The system is not going to break people down. We will stand stronger together no matter the distance.”

Pray With Your Feet

Civil disobedience to halt the assault by the oil and gas industry is an act of faith for retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard.

People don’t need to ‘believe’ in climate change to act on it, study suggests

Skiing and glacier-viewing are two of the most popular tourist draws in Washington state's North Cascades communities of Glacier and Concrete, but...

New report reveals Big Oil’s playbook to silence climate protests

The new report exposes the strategic use of dissent-chilling lawsuits, and tight-knit relationships between fossil fuel representatives and law enforcement.

Clinton Says No Thanks To Charles Koch’s Endorsement, Citing His Climate Denial

Clinton tweeted that she was "not interested in endorsements from people who deny climate science and try to make it harder for people to vote" hours after Koch said it's possible she might be a better president than the current GOP candidates.

Largest beef giant promises to go deforestation-free by 2035

“JBS has just promised at least 14 more years of forest destruction.”

Trump admin to officially revoke California’s waiver to set stricter emissions standards

In its latest move to undermine action on the climate crisis, the Trump administration will formally rescind California's waiver to set stricter auto emissions standards under...

G7 nations announce plan to end coal use by 2035

The G7 countries goal is to “phase out existing unabated coal power generation in our energy systems during the first half of 2030s.”