Saturday, June 15, 2024

This Is What Happens To Humans When They Are Exposed To Too Much Lead

An apology doesn’t change the health effects that Flint residents are seeing as a result of the elevated levels of lead in their water.

Stephen Hawking: We must find another planet to live on

“Six years ago I was warning about pollution and overcrowding, they have gotten worse since then,” Hawking said.

Tell Target to end handing out single-use plastic bags

Tell Target to eliminate plastic bags from its checkout counters.

VIDEO: A Fossil Fuel Free World Is Possible

According to a Stanford professor, the U.S. has the ability to become 100 percent fossil fuel free by relying solely on renewable energy. California has recently approved dozens of environmentally friendly bills, now let's get the other states on board.

Should environmentalists embrace universal basic income?

Cash payments from the government could help ease the transition to a climate-safe economy and weather the natural and economic storms to come.

How a libertarian think tank is trying to correct the ‘degenerate’ climate science debate...

While none of this is news to climate scientists, it will be news to many conservatives.

Teens Discover Seed That Naturally Cleanses Polluted Water

The seeds of this tree can filter contaminated water, remove impurities and even make water drinkable again.

Achieving net-zero climate targets will depend on public lands

Aligning ambition with action will require a new era of federal leadership.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, September 3

Labor Day: When workers are recognized as human, $30 trillion to the richest white Americans, Los Angeles educators vote to strike, and more.

We have now consumed more resources so far this year than the planet is...

We’ll use 1.7 Earths’ worth of resources this year. Can six pledges make a difference?