Monday, May 6, 2024

10 ways Andrew Wheeler has decimated EPA protections in just one year

Trump’s EPA administrator should change the name of his agency to “Every Polluter’s Ally.”

Backed by Ocasio-Cortez, youth climate activists arrested at Pelosi’s office demanding Democrats embrace ‘Green...

"Ocasio-Cortez's decision to join the protesters and march on her own House leader sets a tone of urgency and combativeness that is rare on Capitol Hill."

Colorado attorney general sues Boulder County to end fracking ban

Records show that energy companies have spent millions of dollars to stop the anti-fracking measures.

Forget Exxon – big meat and dairy could single-handedly doom the planet

We must stop these meat and dairy giants from destroying the climate and work towards making our small farmers, herders and ranchers resilient.

Fossil fuel companies keep getting sued over climate impacts. Here’s where the cases stand

“If the cases get to discovery, there will undoubtedly be further revelations about the extent of the companies' knowledge about the climate harms that the use of their products was causing and their disinformation campaigns in response.”

How young climate activists built a mass movement to be reckoned with

The movement of the future has potential to further re-shape politics in ways most of us can’t even imagine.

One of the largest supermarket chain announces plan to phase out plastic bag use

"As part of our Zero Hunger | Zero Waste commitment, we are phasing out use-once, throw-it-away plastic bags and transitioning to reusable bags in our stores by 2025."

Ireland bans onshore fracking and joins France, Germany and Bulgaria as fourth country to...

On Wednesday, the Irish Senate "passed legislature" to "outlaw the controversial drilling technique."

Tell Canada to stop the commercial seal hunts

Put your voices together and tell them that that is what the people want.

How a cooperative run by the formerly incarcerated is reshaping Chicago’s food industry

Megacorporations tend to dominate food contracting with schools and other large facilities in America. In Chicago, Black formerly incarcerated people are prepping locally sourced meals for schools, nursing homes and transitional housing facilities.