Friday, May 24, 2024

Solar jobs take a hit after seven years of rapid growth

"After six years of rapid and steady growth, the solar industry faced headwinds that led to a dip in employment in 2017."

“Kochland”: How David Koch helped build an empire to shape U.S. politics & thwart...

Billionaire conservative donor David Koch died Friday at the age of 79 from prostate cancer. David Koch — who was worth some...

We’re just starting to learn how fracking harms wildlife

In January 2015 North Dakota experienced one of the worst environmental disasters in its history: A pipeline burst, spilling nearly 3 million gallons...

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Sanders rips Trump on Helsinki remarks, Mueller seeks immunity for 5 mystery witnesses, net neutrality defenders declare a win, and more.

EPA warns of Mountain Valley Pipeline impact on streams, says project should not receive...

The natural gas pipeline already has hundreds of water quality violations. Opponents are hopeful the EPA’s warning brings the project’s cancelation closer.

Experts warn this industry-backed attack on science at EPA would be among ‘most damaging’...

"Let's call this what it is: an excuse to abandon clean air, clean water, and chemical safety rules."

Bakken oil now flowing in Dakota Access pipeline, but oil trains to remain on...

“Dakota Access presented no evidence to substantiate the argument that the pipeline will reduce shipments of oil by rail.”

White nationalists’ extreme solution to the coming environmental apocalypse

Ecofascism is a dangerous cloud gathering on the horizon.

Sunoco’s ‘egregious’ behavior leads to suspension of Mariner East 2 pipeline construction

Sunoco has 30 days to submit more information to DEP for them to conduct a review on whether or not construction can proceed.

2020 Democratic presidential candidates want to break up big agriculture monopolies

The trend of consolidation in agribusiness is wiping out small farmers and influencing the food choices made to consumers.