Sunday, May 5, 2024

DNC shuts down climate debate compromise

"It's truly a disappointment that the DNC denied our party the opportunity to show America that a strong agenda that reverses climate change means high paying manufacturing jobs for American union workers and solid profits for American farmers."

Our land is burning, and western science does not have all the answers

The growing fire crisis means it’s vital western science and Aboriginal knowledge are brought together to make communities as fire-safe as possible.

As US broils and Europe floods, media dismiss EU climate plan as ‘ambitious’

When humans seek to take aggressive action against this aggressive reality, reporters frame those goals as lofty and unlikely to succeed.

Black farmers embrace practices of climate resiliency

They are using heritage farming practices to undo some of the damage brought on by decades of intense tillage by early European settlers.

UN agency approves controversial deep-sea mining tests

“This latest decision from the ISA will have come as a shock to civil society who were shut out of the decision-making process, highlighting a lack of transparency from the authority.”

Scientists launch groundbreaking study on health risks of microplastics in seafood

Studies have already found that sea salt can be rich in plastic and that we likely consume the tiny bits that get embedded in many types of seafood.

A right-wing think tank is behind the controversial Great Barrington declaration calling for COVID-19...

“Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak, let alone a pandemic."

Growing Amazon deforestation a grave threat to global climate

Brazil had managed to reduce Amazon deforestation since the 2004 total of 27,772 square kilometers. This shows that it is possible, but it depends on political will and adequate management.

Americans’ extinction denial syndrome

As the mad globalization of the economy and the funneling of all wealth to the tiniest segment of the ultra-rich carries on apace, perhaps the rest of us, struggling just to make the monthly payments for shelter and food, are losing that primal urge so critical to species survival.

20 million acres of U.S. cropland may be contaminated by PFAS ‘forever chemicals’

“The EPA could today require treatment plants to test sludge for PFAS and warn farmers that they may be contaminating fields, but it has refused to do so.”