Thursday, May 16, 2024

7 Solutions to the Climate Crisis

How we create energy with renewables is important. How we store this energy—so we can use it when needed—is just as critical.

Plastic-eating super enzyme could help solve the plastic waste crisis

“The faster we can make the enzymes, the quicker we can break down the plastic, and the more commercially viable it will be.”

It’s been 25 years since world’s prominent scientists released ‘warning to humanity’

Forewarned is forearmed. We can’t let the lure of the almighty buck blind us. We must come together, speak up and act for the good of all humanity.

Dakota Access pipeline approved a week after co-owner’s pipeline spilled 600,000 gallons of oil...

“You could just smell this oil smell. A customer walks in and says ‘nobody smoke.’ You could see it just spewing.”

Immediate climate action can save U.S. $3.5 trillion over time

“In particular, it is urgent to quickly transition to electric vehicles and building components, because polluting equipment sold today will last for decades.”

House Science Committee leader says climate scientists are trying to control people’s lives

Rep. Smith has repeatedly turned the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee – and its Twitter account – into a platform for climate science denial.

BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused $17.2 billion in environmental damage to the Gulf...

Seven years ago yesterday, a blowout at an ultra-deepwater well operated by British oil giant BP in the Gulf of Mexico caused an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig and ultimately led to 134 million gallons of oil spewing into the Gulf.

Trump withdraws U.S. from Paris climate accord; scientists respond

“This is the wrong decision for America and the planet on many levels.”

Oscar-nominated actor James Cromwell speaks out before jail time for peaceful anti-fracking protest

Oscar-nominated actor James Cromwell and Pramilla Malick are going to jail today for their nonviolent protest against a natural gas-fired power plant that uses fracked gas in Orange County, New York.

Scientists who issued ‘climate emergency’ declaration in 2019 now say Earth’s vital signs are...

A rapid and urgent phaseout of fossil fuels is needed, scientists warn, in order to avoid crossing dangerous climate tipping points.