Sunday, May 19, 2024

New test finds aerially sprayed pesticide contains PFAS causing significant environmental issues

"Once again, the EPA has failed to protect the American people from harmful pollution by absurdly designating PFAS as ‘inert’ and allowing corporations to withhold crucial information about it."

Climate-change transition in the age of the billionaire

A world of solidarity economics or climate profiteering?

Canada’s Trudeau plans to work with Trump admin to approve Keystone XL, pump Exxon-owned...

The deck now stacked against those who have spent years fighting against Keystone XL.

Trump administration aims to strip Clean Water Act, opening up waterways to unlimited pollution

The Trump administration has been attacking the Clean Water Act and the Obama-era Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule since coming into power.

Bayou Bridge pipeline opponents file to intervene in hearing for private security firm in...

“TigerSwan doesn’t get to deny us our humanity in our state.”

After DNC rejects climate debate, candidates discuss Green New Deal, environmental justice at forum

Ten Democratic presidential hopefuls took to the stage in New York City Wednesday night for a climate town hall hosted by CNN. The...

Pesticides are killing off the andean condor

Livestock owners needlessly fear these massive South American birds—and lure them to their deaths with illegal poisons. Extinction countdown is on.

President-Elect Biden: Time for YOU to follow the science

A president can do a lot in battling climate change, without Congressional approval, through executive orders and EPA regulations. Obama’s record was mixed and hesitant. Biden will need to do many times better.

The Pompeo Doctrine

Donald Trump got the headlines as usual -- but don’t be fooled. It wasn't Trumpism in action this August, but what we...

The fate of the Earth

Climate change, after all, looks to be nature’s slo-mo version of nuclear war.