Sunday, May 19, 2024

Global audit reports just how much pollution giants like Coca-Cola and Nestle create

Break Free From Plastic bins to end global plastic pollution by identifying these giant polluters and making them accountable.

Army Corps Denies Permits for Biggest Proposed Coal Export Terminal in North America

These dirty and dangerous projects will not move forward and we will strive to pursue pathways for justice for all communities as justice was upheld today.

Water waste must stop

The whole wastewater system is contributing to climate change.

What Obama’s Climate Legacy Tells Us About Executive Power

Incremental progress beats no progress. But the climate needs all hands, and all branches of government, on deck.

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion approved by Canadian Court despite indigenous peoples challenge

“Canada has bulldozered a pathway forward on this unsustainable project that is in no way honorable, in the interest of the public, or aligned with its commitment to implement federal legislation on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

Activists Protest Outside CNN Demanding Fair and Accurate Reporting on Standing Rock

CNN, as well as most other mainstream media outlets, have failed to report on nearly any development of the pipeline dispute.

The white horse and the humvees—Standing Rock is offering us a choice

Right here, between the barricades on a North Dakota highway, is a pivotal confrontation between two world views, two futures.

Covid-19 sparks a rebirth of the local farm movement

While farmers have yet to face the full economic impact of this pandemic, their collaborative efforts, along with local grassroots networks, could mark the beginning of a new economy laboring to be born.

Donald Trump’s swamp: Meet ten potential energy and climate cabinet picks and the pickers

Nearly everyone who remains on Trump's likely climate and energy list, or is helping pick those positions, has ties to corporate lobbying, corporate leadership, or corporate-funded think tanks.

How climate change could reshape the US 2020 election?

If the presidential race is close, the how or whether to address environmental change in a considerable style could have the effect among triumph and defeat.