Thursday, April 25, 2024

EPA chief met with Dow Chemical CEO before deciding not to ban toxic pesticide

This is just the latest in a long list of examples of the Trump administration working with corporate polluters before reversing public safeguards

US Secretary of Energy announces support for cost-shared research and development for carbon capture...

Unfortunately, the DOE hopes that the solutions will enable competitive operation of fossil-based power generation infrastructure in a low-carbon future, rather than focusing on clean energy.

Top cancerous air pollution sites in US revealed

The worst three are in Louisiana's "Cancer Alley," five of the top 20 are in Texas, and predominantly Black areas experience double the cancer risk of white areas.

Ninth gray whale in two months washes up dead in Bay Area

"If this continues at this pace through May, we would be alarmed."

‘Life threatening’ cold snap could break records across Midwest

Some scientists also think that climate change is making the polar vortex increasingly unstable, as warmer temperatures in the Arctic cause the jet stream to push more cold air further south, National Geographic explained.

Too Many of the Birds, Bees, and Butterflies That Pollinate Crops Face Extinction

A new international report on pollinators highlights the threats faced by the wild species that farmers rely on.

Running on Green New Deal and economic justice, socialists prevail in Spain’s snap election

"Sánchez came out in support of the U.S. Green New Deal – sometimes translated as 'El New Deal Verde' or 'El Green New Deal de España' – in January and has campaigned on it throughout the election."

German Environment Agency Finds Increase of Glyphosate in Urine Since 2001

In 2001 glyphosate was detected in the urine of only 10% of the participants, in 2013 it was present in just under 60% of the test group, and most recently in 2015, it was 40%.

Methane Discovered in Drinking Water Near Fracking Wells

A Stanford researcher found the highest risk of leaks was from shallow natural gas wells drilled in California, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Department of Interior allocates $63.8 million to clean up orphaned oil and gas wells...

“Through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, we are investing in the nation’s future by addressing legacy pollution on public lands."