Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pruitt’s attack on science continues to undermine integrity at EPA

Pruitt’s behavior is just the type of behavior the Scientific Integrity Policy should be protecting against.

Standing Rock lawsuit started a year ago. Here’s where we are now

A recent victory has sent the Army Corps of Engineers back to analyze the environmental justice effects of the Dakota Access pipeline.

Climate change: The catastrophic impact on developing countries

There is an alternative way to ‘reduce vulnerability’ for the poorest people in the world, and that is by the rich nations sharing what they have, and what the Earth provides more equitably amongst everyone.

Power to the people: Wyoming residents reject first new coal mine in decades

Blocking a new coal mine shows the power of the public.

EPA reverses decision to delay Obama-era pollution regulation after 15 states sue

The rule will go into effect as planned on October 1, rather than being delayed by a year.

Utilities knew: Documenting electric utilities’ early knowledge and ongoing deception on climate change from...

Nearly 50 years after scientists began to warn the electric utility industry about climate change, some utilities continue to stand in the way of real progress in addressing the problem.

This South Pacific nation is saying goodbye to single-use plastic bags and bottles

The PM of Vanuatu announced it the ban on Independence Day.

Departing EPA official warns of more crises like Flint under current leadership

"Only a few months on the job, Scott Pruitt has become the leading candidate for worst boss in the world.”

Groups challenge fracking plan for Ohio’s only national forest

The Wayne is Ohio's only national forest and it belongs to the people and should be preserved for generations to come.

Just released docs show Monsanto ‘executives colluding with corrupted EPA officials to manipulate scientific...

Monsanto continues to publicly deny that there are cancer connections to glyphosate or Roundup.