Sunday, May 19, 2024

While Trump calls climate change a hoax, Hurricane Michael damaged US fighter jets worth...

At least 17 planes, costing $339 million each, were likely left behind and possibly destroyed.

People act where US fails on climate

If we are to have a livable future, we must act rapidly.

KXL Pipeline developer plans to start construction in 2019

The KXL has been at the center of a contentious fight for a decade.

One Tribe’s ‘Long Walk’ Upstream for Environmental and Cultural Justice

Wisconsin's Menominee tap their forebears—and Native American cultural rebirth underway in North Dakota—on a walk to protect their river.

Environmental leaders from 185 countries launch biodiversity protection fund

“As we confront the critical challenge of halting and reversing biodiversity loss around the world, working together has never been more important."

Monsanto wins $7.7b lawsuit in Brazil – but farmers’ fight to stop its ‘amoral’...

Monsanto has long had the upper hand over the farmers who use its products. But the momentum may be shifting.

Big ag influence over UN Food Systems Summit criticized by green farming advocates

Industry-backed solutions and net zero targets are insufficient to slash agriculture’s emissions, some experts warn.

Oil undercover: The sneaky ways Big Oil pushes its interests

Big Oil lied to us for decades about climate change.

Trump administration drills down on Alaska’s Arctic Refuge

The deeply unpopular plan would benefit a few rich oil companies while threatening people, wildlife and the climate.

What role should social justice play in climate science?

The Sámi people of Northern Sweden oppose geoengineering as a solution to climate change because they say it follows the same logic that produced the climate crisis in the first place.