Wednesday, May 15, 2024

As climate change threatens food supplies, seed saving is an ancient act of resilience

In Norway, a high-tech seed vault flooded from melting permafrost. In Montana, locals keep their seeds in the library.

Texas company exposed by DeSmog for radioactive fracking waste practices threatens legal action

Both during and after DeSmog’s investigation, Lotus LLC has tried various approaches to keep information about the company under wraps.

Ohio communities face ‘voter suppression’ in push to rein in oil and gas development

Waterville shows what could be if these ballot initiatives are allowed a vote: a genuine face-off between the oil and gas industry and local communities.

Trump’s climate COP-out and the movement it has unleashed

The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is a catastrophe, but it has inspired a whirlwind of bottom-up climate activism.

Microplastics can kill human cells at concentrations found in the environment, scientists say

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting this is a health problem.

Complacency and the environmental catastrophe

Complacency, apathy and hypocrisy coalesce to form the most noxious causes of climate change and environmental vandalism.

California releases misleading greenhouse emissions report

California has released its annual greenhouse gas inventory, with the numbers praised by Governor Gavin Newsom. But emissions are up in nearly every category, with critics calling presentation of the data misleading.

After Lead Contamination in House Office Building’s Water, Lawmakers Demand EPA Reforms

61 representatives are demanding the EPA improves its lead regulations after learning that the drinking water in one of the Congressional office buildings had been shut off due to lead contamination.

“Stop the money pipeline”: 150 arrested at protests exposing wall street’s link to climate...

“Let us remember that we are not the criminals. The criminals are the people who are letting this world burn for money.”

Missing From the Debates: Climate Change, Poverty, Campaign Finance and More

The presidential candidates have not been asked questions on some of the critical issues facing us, and Chris Wallace has no plans to ask them.