Chernobyl Could Become World’s Largest Solar Farm
If construction is approved, Chernobyl's solar farm will hold the title of "World's Largest Solar Plant" before Dubai's massive concentrated solar plant catches up to it.
Donald Trump Does Not Understand Solar (or Wind) Power
Trump is clearly not the candidate for environmentally-conscience voters.
The Disney-fication of Our National Parks
Congress is letting major corporations buy naming rights in America’s national park system.
3 Major Problems With Monsanto’s New GMO Soybeans
The promise of Monsanto's splashy new bean appears to be short-sighted, leaving farmers with the much worse end of the bargain.
The $7.6 Billion Bail-out of New York Nuclear Plants
“Nuclear energy is neither clean nor renewable,” testified Pauline Salotti, vice chair of the Green Party of Suffolk County, Long Island at a recent hearing on the plan.
A Former Governor Admitted He Put Economics Ahead of Safety When Approving Fracking Projects
Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell admitted his state’s fracking regulations favored economics over environmental safety
Chinese Activists Stop Truck Transporting 300 Dogs to be Slaughtered
A mob of activists prevented 300 dogs from being illegally transported to a slaughterhouse in northeastern China.
ExxonMobil Top Sponsor at ALEC Annual Meeting
Exxon is represented on the ALEC corporate board, and has funded ALEC since as early as 1981, providing at least $1,730,200 between 1998 and 2014.
The Link Between Armed Conflict And Climate Change Just Got A Bit Stronger
Conflict outbreaks following climate disasters are no coincidence, according to new research.
BREAKING: EPA To Limit Greenhouse Gases From Airplanes
“After nearly a decade of denial and delay, we need fast, effective EPA action.” It’s about time.