VIDEO: As GOP Candidates Question Climate Change, Texas and Oklahoma Hit by Devastating Floods...
With severe storms leave extensive damage and at least 23 people dead in Texas and Oklahoma, Republicans presidential candidates continue to question climate change. Are these politicians crazy or just denying the truth?
Revealed: Energy Transfer Partners’ ‘Pipeline-for-Prostitute’ Landman
New findings confirmed a land agent from the Texas company, Contract Land Staff, which was contracted by Energy Transfer Partners, was involved in a sex offer in exchange to build the controversial proposed Dakota Access pipeline. Say what?!
State of Emergency in California as Santa Barbara Cleans Up from Another Major Oil...
While the cleanup of crude oil leaked from a broken pipeline started off slow, efforts are underway at the shores of Refugio State Beach in Santa Barbara, California. This latest spill recalls a catastrophic blowout that happened in 1969.
State of Emergency in California as Santa Barbara Cleans Up from Another Major Oil...
Crude oil from a broken pipeline has led to an alarming amount of oil to leak into the Pacific Ocean leaving Santa Barbara area in a state of emergency. The company, Plains All American, is not required to be supplied with an automatic shutdown valve in case of a leak so the leak continued for a while before being looked into.
GOP Climate Denial Syndrome Sweeps Wisconsin
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently imposed a "gag order" prohibiting public lands workers from talking about climate change while on the job. The worst part about it, Walker wants to be the next president of the U.S.
30 Million Gallons Under the Sea: Five Years After BP Disaster, New Drilling Okayed...
While there is an ongoing impact of the 2010 oil spill, drilling has resumed near the site of the explosion that caused the worst industrial environmental disaster in U.S. history. Doesn't anyone remember the devastation?
Hawaii Goes Green and Other Big Renewables Stories
The Hawaii legislature just passed a goal to go 100 percent renewable energy throughout the state by 2045. The new solar installations are making even developing countries ambitious enough to go green.
Dirty-Energy Supporters Cower before Hurricane Francis Strikes
As Pope Francis takes on global warming in 2015, dirty-energy supporters are cowering as their flimsy ideological castles are being threatened. Yet it's about time humans admit that climate change is not only a matter of science, but also of moral duty.
Indian Point Accident
A recent fire at Indian Point Nuclear Plant in New York is prompting renewed calls to close the plant. Does the federal government have a historic, reckless and scandalous weakness when it comes to the nuclear power plant?
Dimock, PA Lawsuit Trial-Bound as Study Links Fracking to Water Contamination in Neighboring County
A major class action lawsuit was recently filed in a District Court and pits plaintiffs in Dimock, PA against big oil and gas. This case could be key in determining whether "frackers," who contaminate drinking water, can be held accountable under federal law.