Sunday, May 12, 2024

Combining Medicare for All and the Biden healthcare plan

If Biden is going to be nominated, then Bernie and his supporters need to work hard to get the platform improved and make sure that Biden commits to the changes required under the platform.

COVID-19: The rich, the poor, the ‘other’

Perhaps, the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic melt down will be the trigger for such a seismic, but essential, change in the way we live.

How to keep America’s public workers safe as we emerge from the Covid-19 lockdown

In a crisis like that, public servants will rely on the public to stand with them in demanding that officials implement aggressive safety plans and provide the other resources that workers need.

Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine trial paused due to mystery illness

“This is completely expected, and it’s just a reminder how ridiculous it is to try and meet a political timeline of having a vaccine before Nov. 3.”

Eating microplastics could cause inflammatory bowel disease, study finds

“This study provides evidence that we are indeed ingesting microplastics.”

What the Catastrophic Aliso Canyon Methane Leak Teaches Us About Our Addiction to Fossil...

To prevent more disasters like Aliso Canyon in California and around the country we need an emergency statewide effort to shut down facilities that lack basic safety equipment, including Aliso Canyon.

Mumia Abu-Jamal Returned to Prison After Hospitalization

Mumia Abu-Jamal has recently returned back to prison after having to be admitted to an intensive care unit because of experiencing a blackout from diabetic shock. He was under heavy surveillance and was only allowed to see close relatives.

Federal court rules EPA must make final decision on potential ban on pesticide linked...

"We'll find out in three months if the Trump EPA remains under the tight control of the chemical agriculture industry, or if Administrator Wheeler will finally take his job seriously and ban this brain-damaging pesticide."

Bernie Sanders wants to cancel $81 billion in medical debt

"In the United States of America, your financial life and future should not be destroyed because you or a member of your family gets sick."

Universal mask-wearing would save nearly 130,000 lives by spring 2021, study finds

The researchers estimated what the death toll until March 2021 would be for each state if mask-wearing and social distancing mandates are put in place, versus if they are not.